
Write some introductory paragraphs here. They should describe:

  • What the module does
  • How it does it
  • Why you should use it

If you have a diagram or screenshot, you can include it here.


This section describes how to install the module so you can try it out. For Python modules this often looks like this:

pip install dls_python3_template_module


Once you have installed the module your readers would like to know how to get started with it. If it is a library then you might put some introductory code here:

from dls_python3_template_module import HelloClass

hello = HelloClass("me")

Or if it is a commandline tool then you might put some example commands here:

dls-python3-template-module person --times=2

The rest of the docs

Everything else depends very much on your target module. The dls_python3_template_module API section should contain the reference material that a user of your module needs to use your module. Consider adding tutorials to walk users through using your module, how-to guides and FAQs to address particular problems, and explanations to say why things should be done a particular way. More details in this article on writing good documentation