dls_python3_template_module API

This is the internal API reference for dls_python3_template_module

You can mix verbose text with docstring and signature extraction by using autoclass and autofunction directives instead of automodule below.

class dls_python3_template_module.HelloClass(name: str)[source]

A class who’s only purpose in life is to say hello

Parameters:name – The initial value of the name of the person who gets greeted
name = None

The name of the person who gets greeted

format_greeting() → str[source]

Return a greeting for name

dls_python3_template_module.say_hello_lots(hello: dls_python3_template_module._types.HelloClass = None, times=5)[source]

Print lots of greetings using the given HelloClass

  • hello – A HelloClass that format_greeting will be called on. If not given, use a HelloClass with name=”me”
  • times – The number of times to call it